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Song in Mitsubishi Endeavor commercial?

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know it? - it's a harder hip hop joint. Commercial has the car slowly going by different storefronts and ends with two girls in the endeavor - one in the front seat, one in the back with some guy driving. Any help appreciated!
# 2 21 years ago

Hard Z
What's up? The new song on the Mitsu commercial with the SUV going by slowly is 'Horn Dog' by a Scandinavian group called 'Overseer'...
Enjoy the song...peace to's downloadable on Kazaa and other sites...later.
# 3 21 years ago


is that the song that sounds like they are saying 'Bret Hull'?
sorry, a Detroit Redwings fan here.

> What's up? The new song on the Mitsu commercial with the SUV going by slowly is 'Horn Dog' by a Scandinavian group called 'Overseer'...
> Enjoy the song...peace to's downloadable on Kazaa and other sites...later.

# 4 21 years ago

Thanks HZ! Downloading it now! Yeah, it does kinda sound like Bret Hull... though I'm a Penguins fan - I know they sucked hard this year... How about that game a few days ago when the Wings racked up about 200 mins in penalties when Shanahan hit that guy with his stick in the mouth - whooooo - I guess that's another board. Later.
# 5 19 years ago

There is a NEW commercial, like, April 2004, and its got this chick singin....i cant figure it out!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP hehe....bye
# 6 19 years ago

> There is a NEW commercial, like, April 2004, and its got this chick singin....i cant figure it out!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP hehe....bye
The artist is Nikka Costa. The song name is "Everybody Got Their Something" Check out her album its pretty awsome.
# 7 19 years ago

The song Your looking for is called "Horndog" by Overseer It took me forever to find it too. There's also a good track on the Mitsubishi Eclipse ad by Telepopmusik called "Breath"
# 8 19 years ago

whats the song called on that commercial of the car going under the blue things then in to a tunnle it go's kinda like this"nananana"
lol thats all i know but i like the song and want to download it

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