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need help finding commercials for a project

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi, my name is Kristen and I'm a sophomore at the University of New Haven. For one of my classes I received a really odd project to do that involves a bunch of questions, some that we might not find the answer, but we can go any way on doing so. I really did not know who to contact, but I hope this e-mail will serve some purpose and get somewhere. I have a couple questions on commercials:

1. What was the commercial that the fighting freddie action figure appeared in?
2. What was involved in the Mitubishi commercial of a man lifting weights? (If possible, it was asked if I can even get a VHS copy of this)
3.This was a public service commercial of an American Indian chief, in full feathered regalia, looking over the ruined environment with a tear in his eye. What is the name of the actor who played the part of the Indian Chief? (If possible also, a VHS copy would be of help)

I hope I can hear from someone soon with at least some information on any of the above. Everything will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Again!!

Kristen Gaulin
University of New Haven
300 Orange Ave
West Haven, CT 06516
(203) 479-7902
# 2 20 years ago

Kristen - Did you get an answer ont his post? I am looking for a copy of the same commercial!
Please let me know - Amy Lethbridge 323-221-9944 x 109
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