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Bud lover needs help !Lincoln navigator

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# 1 21 years ago

Ganja munkie
Does anyone know the artits/song title of the new Lincoln Navigator car commerical...
the guy is just sitting there in the car checking out the gadgets. there is a saxaphone playing, and some drums.. i believe the genre of music is called Acid Jazz...or funk.
id appreciate very much if someone could help. thanks!
# 2 21 years ago

The commercial has actually been out for awhile, but the song is Get a Move On by Mr. Scruff. Hope that helps.
> Does anyone know the artits/song title of the new Lincoln Navigator car commerical...
> the guy is just sitting there in the car checking out the gadgets. there is a saxaphone playing, and some drums.. i believe the genre of music is called Acid Jazz...or funk.
> id appreciate very much if someone could help. thanks!

# 3 20 years ago

Ganja Munkie!
THank you very much!!!! that helps a lot!

: The commercial has actually been out for awhile, but the song is Get a Move On by Mr. Scruff. Hope that helps.
>> Does anyone know the artits/song title of the new Lincoln Navigator car commerical...
>> the guy is just sitting there in the car checking out the gadgets. there is a saxaphone playing, and some drums.. i believe the genre of music is called Acid Jazz...or funk.
>> id appreciate very much if someone could help. thanks!

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