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# 1 21 years ago

i recently saw a commercial for the pt cruiser maybe, i am not sure. I really need to know the name of the song. It goes something like this: love is for the way you look at me or something like that. I know Natalie Cole and Frank Sinatra have sung it before but I really need to know the artist in this particular commercial. she's a woman.
# 2 21 years ago

If youre refering to the Pt cruiser ad with the couple on a date where the woman takes off in the car ..the name of the song is L.O.V.E. and that particular version is donr by a Band called 'fisher.' I got off Kaaza
# 3 20 years ago

The car is a Chrysler product (not sure which model) and the artist is Diana Krall. Nat King Cole (Natalie's father) originally recorded it in the 60s and it's called 'L-O-V-E'. The line you were referring to is actually 'L is for the way ...'
> i recently saw a commercial for the pt cruiser maybe, i am not sure. I really need to know the name of the song. It goes something like this: love is for the way you look at me or something like that. I know Natalie Cole and Frank Sinatra have sung it before but I really need to know the artist in this particular commercial. she's a woman.

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