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VW commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

Alucard Belmont
Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.
# 2 22 years ago

> Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.
Arrr! Ahoy me bucko! Cap'n'Aphex here!
Arrrr, me bucko. The song you be looking for is
J. Ralph 'A Million Miles Away'.
Arr. Ye land lubber. Download with pride.
Arrr. Me bucko.
Enjoy yer' booty!
-Captain AfX

# 3 22 years ago

Song is by J.ralph
One Million Miles Away

# 4 22 years ago

It's J Ralph who does that song. I love that song, too. Took me a while to find out, also. However, I didn't think that the guy was late to his own wedding. Rather, I thought he was racing to get to the chapel on time to stop the wedding because he loves her. The point is that, the car is so fast, he made it in time. You know how the preacher says, 'is there any reason they shouold not wed?' or whatever? that's when the vw guy runs in. I think they just left the stopping of the wedding up to our imaginations.
# 5 22 years ago

That music is made by J. Ralph, and it's called 'A Million Miles Away.' BTW, I don't think the guy is going to his own wedding - otherwise he would have been at the altar. He's going to the wedding of the woman he loves...

: Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.

# 6 22 years ago

I'm trying to find the same song, but the guy is not late to his own wedding. He is trying to get to the wedding to prevent the girl; his ex; from marring the other guy. You know, speak now or forever hold your peace? Good luck finding the name of that song, btw...

# 7 22 years ago

Firstly, he was not late to his own wedding, he was trying to get there in time to stop the wedding of a women that he loved. Secondly, 'one million miles away' is the name of the song, and right now I am blanking on the name of the group that did it. Hope that helps
# 8 22 years ago

The Song is 'One Million Miles Away' By J.Ralph
That Song is awesome huh?
# 9 22 years ago

I AM Also Been looking for that song too if you find out can you tell me
Email me>
# 10 21 years ago

a dude called jralph - check out for more details
Better late than never - hope that helps
Regards, James

# 11 21 years ago

the song one million miles away by j ralph...
he isn't late to his wedding....he is trying to get back his love..

# 12 21 years ago

The name of the song is One Milllion MIles by J. Ralph..that's according to their website.
# 13 21 years ago

> Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.
the composer is J.Ralph and the song/music is One Million Miles

# 14 20 years ago

> Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.
> the answer is j ralph, the song is 100 million miles away
# 15 20 years ago

> > Who made the music for the lastest Volkswagen commercial. The commercial has a guy who is late to his own wedding and stuck in traffic. When he finally gets to the church, the bride is taken by some other guy. The only sound you hear through the enitre commercial is the music; please let me know who made that song.
> > the answer is j ralph, the song is 100 million miles away
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