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Applied Materials kids in house song

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# 1 21 years ago

An Applied Materials commercial that began running in June 2001 or so had lyrics like 'Dream, like I want to dream...' and sounded modern psychedelic. It had kids entering a house and using electronic devices. Does anyone know the song and title?
Someone else asked about an Applied Materials commercial recently but was not specific about the creative. If the poster referred to the one filmed in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, it was by Chihiro Onitsuka. If the poster referred to the man speeding on the mountain road it was 'Space Station #5' by Montrose.
# 2 21 years ago

> An Applied Materials commercial that began running in June 2001 or so had lyrics like 'Dream, like I want to dream...' and sounded modern psychedelic. It had kids entering a house and using electronic devices. Does anyone know the song and title?
: Someone else asked about an Applied Materials commercial recently but was not specific about the creative. If the poster referred to the one filmed in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, it was by Chihiro Onitsuka. If the poster referred to the man speeding on the mountain road it was 'Space Station #5' by Montrose.
The name of the song is 'Dream' by Hairy Monster

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