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Dancing Puppets and Paul Oakenfold.

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# 1 22 years ago

Two quick questions for ya'll.. I'm normally a Modest Mouse/Aphex Twin/Mogwai/Folk person.. however.. two songs have stuck to my brain as of recently.. and, with my luck, I can't find the names to either of the damn things.
1. A Paul Oakenfold song.. when I hear it, I'm reminded of a psudo-Matrix scene with helicopter blades... it was on a Mitchalin(sp?) Tire Ad.. with a baby in a tire, spinning around to the sounds.
2. This one is quite a bit harder (at least -I- think. *snicker).. I was in Gadzooks one day, and saw a music video playing.. it mostly had puppets in it dancing around and whatnot.. and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the song/band... it -might- have had the words 'Strawberry' or 'Lollipop' in either the artist's name or song title.. but haven't been secure enough to say that it -does- have those things. Any sort of help here would be appreciated.
Happy Holidays!
-IM: AphexMandelbrot
# 2 19 years ago

hello hope u acn send me a lyrics
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