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Verizon Rap song anyone?

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# 1 18 years ago

No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
# 2 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??

The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
# 3 18 years ago

The band for the "In" spot is called Ddubble Impactt. They are a hip-hop group based in the UK, yet currently unsigned in the US. A URL for the band is provided below.
# 4 18 years ago

The band is called Ddubble Impactt. They are a hip-hop group based in the UK, yet currently unsigned in the US.
# 5 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??

I found the video for this rap concert comercial

go to tv adds and play the one on the bottom
concert /the lady in the kitchen, and the guy in the bathtub couple in bed dude ironing so weird
iif you know the name of this band post it plz
# 6 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??

I found the video for this rap concert comercial

go to tv adds and play the one on the bottom
concert /the lady in the kitchen, and the guy in the bathtub couple in bed dude ironing so weird
iif you know the name of this band post it plz
# 7 18 years ago

> > No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
> The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
# 8 18 years ago

> > No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
> The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
the commercial where their in a conert and watching people do every day things like ironing, taking a bath etc. It's the commercial for verizon broad band
# 9 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
# 10 18 years ago

The featured group is called DDOUBLE IMPACTT. They are an unsigned band from the UK. Track is called 'Move A Lot' from the 'We Aint The Same' CD.

> > No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
> The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
# 11 18 years ago

The featured group is called DDOUBLE IMPACTT. They are an unsigned band from the UK. Track is called 'Move A Lot' from the 'We Aint The Same' CD.

> > No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
> The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
# 12 18 years ago

The featured group is called DDOUBLE IMPACTT. They are an unsigned band from the UK. Track is called 'Move A Lot' from the 'We Aint The Same' CD.

> > No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
> The one with ludacris and kanye west where they have ludacris gettin his hair braided? that would be "the whole city behind us" if its the commercial i'm thinking of.
# 13 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??
# 14 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is?? the one with the two british rappers playing a concert and theres even a guy out in the croud wathing from his bathtub. who are the rappers?
# 15 18 years ago

> No one knows what the rap song in the Verizon concert commercial is??

My wife spoke with the ad agency that produced the video.
THEY don't know.
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