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Baileys Commercial song? Desperately Want!

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# 1 21 years ago

This commercial isn't their latest, the one where the girl has to show the guy what she wants to drink. It is an older one, possibly from 2001, if anyone knows any of the baileys commercial songs please let me know
# 2 21 years ago

X lists two: B + A by the Beta Band and Porcelain by Moby. Check out the site, it has the songs accompanying hundreds of commercials.

: This commercial isn't their latest, the one where the girl has to show the guy what she wants to drink. It is an older one, possibly from 2001, if anyone knows any of the baileys commercial songs please let me know

# 3 21 years ago

THanx a bunch! I didn't find the song I want, but I found another really cool one.

: lists two: B + A by the Beta Band and Porcelain by Moby. Check out the site, it has the songs accompanying hundreds of commercials.
:> This commercial isn't their latest, the one where the girl has to show the guy what she wants to drink. It is an older one, possibly from 2001, if anyone knows any of the baileys commercial songs please let me know

# 4 19 years ago

The name of the song is "Swing it back" by Avenue A. It was the bugging the crap out of me too...

> lists two: B + A by the Beta Band and Porcelain by Moby. Check out the site, it has the songs accompanying hundreds of commercials.
> : This commercial isn't their latest, the one where the girl has to show the guy what she wants to drink. It is an older one, possibly from 2001, if anyone knows any of the baileys commercial songs please let me know
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