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That chick on Directv ch. 227

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know who that hot redhead on directv selling directway?
ps. i think she was on the mcdonalds comercial with the parfait with nuts or something, where she thinks she won something.
# 2 21 years ago

Judging by your grammar skills, I'd say you are around 15, do poorly in school, and need to find out who that 'chick' is so that you can play with your little dick.
Shut the fuck up and go back to playing with your clock radio junior while the adults are speaking.
# 3 21 years ago

Talk about someone obsessed with wagging their 'little dick' around! Maybe the 'kid' doesn't take this post so seriously that they bothered writing at all carefully. What's wrong with you that you do -- Is this stuff your whole life, that you can get so insulted? Why are you so threatened by someone you believe to be 15? You certainly haven't justified your exclusive assertion to speak as an adult here.
I'd guess that your eloquent 'shut the fuck up' just isn't 'sharp' enough to hurt whoever knifey is, being -- we'll assume -- the average human being, and thereby a bit more -- lets say --advanced than you. On the other hand, knowing you exist is a bit painful in itself.

# 4 21 years ago

Well judging by your name I would say you are an idiot. Just for having such a name makes you sound stupid. First, I have 16 not 15. Secondly, how did you get 'need to find out who that 'chick' is so that you can play with your little dick' from my grammar skills? I bet you feel better after making fun of someone. You really must have a big social problem. Third, 'Shut the fuck up' and 'speaking', if you wanted to be correct, should be change. We don’t speak here on the internet, we type. I’m not an anal person, so I will let it go. Lastly, I thought I was short and to the point, so I don’t see anything wrong with that statement. You were able to decrypt my question anyway.
I bet you live alone in your parents’ basement, so go back to making fun of people who you think are 15, and go have fun with your internet life, because that’s all that matters to you.
P.S. If you are going to comment about my name, it is a sarcastic name from a video game.
And next time, either post the answer or don’t post anything at all.

# 5 21 years ago

It's really great to see someone standing up for their right to have an opinion on this site: free of abuse, that is. I don't mean to butt in, but I get a bit pissed off seeing someone doing the equivalent of screeching at someone else for the mortal sin of asking a simple question! It was actually me who made what could be called a comment on your name. I was attempting to make a bit of a pun about the clearly 'dull' wit of this 'Dork' (in contrast to your screen name, obviously) -- no offense at all intended to that name.
# 6 20 years ago

She is hot...I'd like to know, too.
# 7 20 years ago

captain ron
She's Margaret Easley.

Go to
to drool.
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