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does anybody know the name of the actress in the geico commercial?

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# 1 18 years ago

the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
# 2 18 years ago

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.

Why do you want to know?
# 3 18 years ago

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.

Yes, I know who she is. Why do you need to know?
# 4 18 years ago

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
# 5 18 years ago

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
# 6 18 years ago

I want to know too. I sent email to Geico but they did not respond. This woman has a big career waiting...

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
# 7 18 years ago

I want to know too. I sent email to Geico but they did not respond. This woman has a big career waiting...

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
# 8 18 years ago

> the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.

I swear that the girl is a person that I worked with years ago....don't ask me how I remember this name - Laurie Baum?
# 9 18 years ago

> > the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
> Yes, I know who she is. Why do you need to know?
Please let me know if you find out. She's smoking hot. Thanks.
# 10 18 years ago

> > the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
> Yes, I know who she is. Why do you need to know?

She is quite the HOTTIE!!!
# 11 18 years ago

> > the commercial where the wife walks into the kitchen and asks her uninterested husband if her dress makes her look fat. the man then replies "you betch'ya!" and the wife leaves angrily. if anyone can give the name of the actress that would be greatly appriciated.
Hi, did u find out the sexy lady's name? I see your post was in AUG. any luck?
# 12 18 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the actress in the geico fitnes commercial with tony little??
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