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charlies angels bad guy song

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# 1 18 years ago

what is the name and the artist of the song that is played with a bad guy..its like da da da dam or something like that i think its a rap song
# 2 18 years ago

> what is the name and the artist of the song that is played with a bad guy..its like da da da dam or something like that i think its a rap song
> i dont know. If u know it please tell me.
# 3 18 years ago

argh, im dyin to find out the name of that song! have u found it yet? i know exactly which one ur on about. my email is , please let me no if uve heard anything about it :)
# 4 18 years ago

Hi if it the one thats got like a tuba playing at the beginning then its by a british hiphop duo called Task Force and its called grafdabusup, we have been trying to find it for ages and I played it to my brother in law whos like the biggest task force fan ever, hope that helps.
# 5 18 years ago

> > what is the name and the artist of the song that is played with a bad guy..its like da da da dam or something like that i think its a rap song
> > i dont know. If u know it please tell me.
> pharohe monche- simon says
# 6 18 years ago

> what is the name and the artist of the song that is played with a bad guy near the end of the movie..its like da da da dam or something like that i think its a rap song
# 7 18 years ago

> > what is the name and the artist of the song that is played with a bad guy..its like da da da dam or something like that i think its a rap song
> > i dont know. If u know it please tell me.
"Simon Says" by Pharoh Monch, a hip-hop song that samples Ifukube's music from Godzilla vs. Mothra.
# 8 18 years ago

> argh, im dyin to find out the name of that song! have u found it yet? i know exactly which one ur on about. my email is , please let me no if uve heard anything about it :)

"Simon Says" by Pharoh Monch, a hip-hop song that samples Ifukube's music from Godzilla vs. Mothra.
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