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# 1 18 years ago

hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 2 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 3 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 4 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 5 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 6 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 7 18 years ago

> > hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
# 8 18 years ago

> hey, could someone please please please send me the notes (like you no copy,paste) for coldplay speed of sound cause i can play the 1st part but i cant get the rest and ive tried like everythin on google(lol) and i cant find them. or could you just send me a web page were i can get them??? thnx :D
(All 8 messages )

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