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pt cruiser commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

does anybody know the song to the commercial where there is a black girl in the back seat singing the song to the commercial?
# 2 21 years ago

> does anybody know the song to the commercial where there is a black girl in the back seat singing the song to the commercial?
How does it go? I've seen lots of PT cruiser commercials where I live, but that doesn't ring a bell.
# 3 21 years ago

> : does anybody know the song to the commercial where there is a black girl in the back seat singing the song to the commercial?
> How does it go? I've seen lots of PT cruiser commercials where I live, but that doesn't ring a bell.
well i can't really remember anymore, its been a long time since i've seen it, but the one thing i remember was at the bottom left corner, it showed the name of the song at the beginning of the video, but it didn't last long enough for me to get the whole thing down

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