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New Gap commercial (girl walking down the street) Song info?

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# 1 21 years ago

I think it's actually for women's khaki pants...anyone know what this song is?
thanks for any help...
# 2 21 years ago

it's a simon and garfunkel song called 'feeling groovy'

# 3 21 years ago

> it's a simon and garfunkel song called 'feeling groovy'
Technically it's called '59th Street Bridge Song', but I'm sure you'll find it under either. I've had no sucess finding out who covers it in the ad, though-- maybe recorded specifically for the campaign? Does anybody know?

# 4 21 years ago

The Title of the song is 'The 59th Street Bridge Song' aka 'Feeling Groovy' by Angie Stone. (Yes it is a Simon and Garfunkle Song- they wrote it). If you want to see the commerical:
1. Go to
2. click on 'women' to go to that department
3. a menu should appear below the large pic. it should say 'Fit to feel groovy' there is a link below it the says 'See Spring TV Ads' or something like that.
4. On the page there are two commericals, it is the one that says 'Frankie's Look'.
# 5 20 years ago

the covers are by India arie and by Mya
# 6 20 years ago

If it's the commercial I'm thinking of it's "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire. Hope this helps you.

# 7 20 years ago

> The Title of the song is 'The 59th Street Bridge Song' aka 'Feeling Groovy' by Angie Stone. (Yes it is a Simon and Garfunkle Song- they wrote it). If you want to see the commerical:
> 1. Go to
> 2. click on 'women' to go to that department
> 3. a menu should appear below the large pic. it should say 'Fit to feel groovy' there is a link below it the says 'See Spring TV Ads' or something like that.
> 4. On the page there are two commericals, it is the one that says 'Frankie's Look'.
# 8 19 years ago

I saw a gap commerical with a girl walking down the beach it's the one about the tanks shirts. i was wondering who sing that song that they play in the commerical?
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