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# 1 21 years ago

Zwei freund und uch wollen einen kurzfilm drehen und das als Jahresarbeit abgeben...Ich wollte nun wissen welche kriterien man beachten sollte wenn man sich eine Geschichte für einen Kurzfilm ausdenkt.Ich würde mich sehr über Antwort freuen!Liebe Grüsse Anna
# 2 21 years ago

Grüße Anna! Im nicht sicher, wenn dieses das rechte Forum ist, zum Ihrer Frage bekanntzugeben. Traurig könnte ich nicht mehr Hilfe sein, aber ich wollte Ihnen eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage schicken. Ich habe eine Frage für Sie Anna. Sind Sie heiß? Reizvoll? Benötigen Sie einen amerikanischen Freund? Ich bin reich. Ich auch morgens quelle ausgestattet hervor. Heiraten Sie mich Anna!
(and the rest of you fucks thought I was an uneducated prick with a potty mouth!)
: Hallo!!!
: Zwei freund und uch wollen einen kurzfilm drehen und das als Jahresarbeit abgeben...Ich wollte nun wissen welche kriterien man beachten sollte wenn man sich eine Geschichte für einen Kurzfilm ausdenkt.Ich würde mich sehr über Antwort freuen!Liebe Grüsse Anna

# 3 21 years ago

le pottymouth
You misunderstand, my dear haVok. Nobody here thinks you have to be uneducated to be a moron. Multilingualism just gives you more opportunities to prove it!
And from your continuous need to be quite so unpleasant, it's pretty clear you *aren't* rich and *couldn't* get it up.
So, ??????????, stock votre cabeza su suo kusottare!

# 4 21 years ago

le pottymouth
Sorry, the Russian part didn't come through. I said please. I wouldn't want to be rude, after all.

# 5 21 years ago

Retarded asshole = U
# 6 21 years ago

le pottymouth
'Retarded asshole = U'? Ha Ha Ha! Wow. Who are you -- a sixth-grader wanna-be pop star from 1985? To think I was in a bad mood just 5 minutes ago... Sincerely, thanks! Keep it up. By the way, do 'U' mind describing exactly what a 'retarded asshole' is? Like, is it a badly functioning sphincter on a regular anus or vice versa? I'd really like to know, since I'm really in the dark on this one, but it appears you know quite well.

# 7 21 years ago

The Great Flatumatic
Man, look at you...freaking out. HAHAHAHAH
Watch out, you'll piss yourself.

# 8 21 years ago

le pottymouth
> Man, look at you...freaking out. HAHAHAHAH
> Watch out, you'll piss yourself.
Nah, it was funny, but not piss - yourself funny. Cheered me up, though... Oops, I meant 'piss - U R self = funny'. Cheers.
# 9 21 years ago

Wow! I'ts amazing how far your 3rd grade education has got you. Nice job Forrest. You go get that GED and think of something that will make me laugh.
Opps. I almost forgot....
# 10 21 years ago

le pottymouth
Ok-- I'm leaving off with this before the fun we're having fully gives over to my feeling bad for you. Obviously you can't think of anything better: I mean you're not even really addressing what came before in the string. What kind of insult-ing is that? C'mon.
By the way, Original co-opting of 'Wow': did my use of such big vocabulary really impress you? (There's your insult-- you're welcome)I'm glad to know I've helped you improve yourself.
Please, tell me that you only really do have that 3rd grade education you mentioned. That would be a good crutch for all the apparent stupidity, though it isn't really an adequate explanation; since those a bit quicker on the take than you know that they're seperate issues. (Still, I couldn't resist momentarily joining in the all too obvious and common 'level of education - bashing') Actually, please don't tell me anything, you're too dull.
Yours truly, (the one you seem to want desperately to think of as) 'Fag'
PS Please feel free to take the last word if you like. I know you desperately need some attention, kid.

# 11 21 years ago

Havocs best friend
la la la la la FAAAAAAAAAG everyones a FAG

> Ok-- I'm leaving off with this before the fun we're having fully gives over to my feeling bad for you. Obviously you can't think of anything better: I mean you're not even really addressing what came before in the string. What kind of insult-ing is that? C'mon.
: By the way, Original co-opting of 'Wow': did my use of such big vocabulary really impress you? (There's your insult-- you're welcome)I'm glad to know I've helped you improve yourself.
: Please, tell me that you only really do have that 3rd grade education you mentioned. That would be a good crutch for all the apparent stupidity, though it isn't really an adequate explanation; since those a bit quicker on the take than you know that they're seperate issues. (Still, I couldn't resist momentarily joining in the all too obvious and common 'level of education - bashing') Actually, please don't tell me anything, you're too dull.
> Yours truly, (the one you seem to want desperately to think of as) 'Fag'
> PS Please feel free to take the last word if you like. I know you desperately need some attention, kid.

# 12 21 years ago

# 13 21 years ago

havacks best friend
who? your mom?

: fag.

# 14 21 years ago

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