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Mastercard "Got To Be Me" reggae song

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# 1 20 years ago

Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
And, HaVok, I appreciate a good burn as much as the next guy, but 'fag' or 'fuck' ain't. Why do I wan't this? Because it reminds me of a dead dog I loved, and I think my nieces and nephew would like it. That good enough for you? Why do I bother with the big response to you, when there are so many tired posts like yours on every board? I guess I'm bored and I wish you'd realize that unless you have some info, your opinion is a waste of space (even though I'm pretty sure you or someone like you will just keep on like that.)

# 2 20 years ago

Why did you have to be so mean????
My feelings are hurt. I'm gonna cry.
The song your looking for is I gotta be me by Sammy Davis Jr
btw. How much did you love your dog? Doggystyle?
Sorry couldn't resist.
> Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
> And, HaVok, I appreciate a good burn as much as the next guy, but 'fag' or 'fuck' ain't. Why do I wan't this? Because it reminds me of a dead dog I loved, and I think my nieces and nephew would like it. That good enough for you? Why do I bother with the big response to you, when there are so many tired posts like yours on every board? I guess I'm bored and I wish you'd realize that unless you have some info, your opinion is a waste of space (even though I'm pretty sure you or someone like you will just keep on like that.)

# 3 21 years ago

Yeah, Sammy Davis Jr. I wonder, though,who does the reggae cover, which isn't as bad.
I think if I was actually trying to hurt your feelings, you might be able to tell -- I was trying to let you know that sometimes people have pretty ordinary reasons for liking things that may not be fashionable enough for you. That is, other than an insecure need to bid for some sort of sarcasm-based superiority, no matter how meaningless the situation!
Who do you thing you're getting one over on? Somebody who likes dogs? Hey, if you think you can only feel important by acting like a slimeball, then maybe try a bit harder: go for a bigger target and come up with something better. Are you that pathetic at being an asshole? See, I can't make you feel bad -- you don't care about the opinion of us anonymous strangers. You only care about the opinion of whoever is making you feel so small and vulnerable that you don't feel your judgement is worthy of being applied to something more important than someone's questionable taste in music. Am I not as cool as you? So what? Who asked your opinion? I suspect nobody does. That's why you're being one of those people who clutter up otherwise useful boards with those same insults everyone stopped caring much about when they were little kids. (If you're wondering why I care about your opionion, it's because you're funny to laugh-- and yell-- at .)
I really hope the people around you can tolerate being accused of bestiality so you can feel somehow superior, otherwise you really are as lonely and frustrated as you seem. So here I am feeling superior: But guess what-- I am! The only thing I know about you is you attack strangers without provocation; and that's enough to know that I, and pretty much any-random-body you'll meet out on the street, are-- no matter what their tastes or opinions.
Well, I think I'll have to stop bothering to answer you. I tried to help out, also give you some of that attention you're looking for, but really, it's not worth my time beyond this -- I'm bored now. Rant, Rant, Rant...
LOL (not the doggy kind, by the way, in case you're nervous)
# 4 20 years ago

> Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
I had e-mailed MasterCard looking for the artist’s name. They responded that it was Wyclef Jean. I have yet to find this version anywhere.

# 5 20 years ago

The song IS 'I've got to be me,' and it is ORIGINALLY by Sammy Davis Jr, but the cover of the song sounds like it's Wyclef Jean, and he would be just the right artist to do. So that's what it is... now finding it is another story. Damned internet!!
# 6 20 years ago

> Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
> And, HaVok, I appreciate a good burn as much as the next guy, but 'fag' or 'fuck' ain't. Why do I wan't this? Because it reminds me of a dead dog I loved, and I think my nieces and nephew would like it. That good enough for you? Why do I bother with the big response to you, when there are so many tired posts like yours on every board? I guess I'm bored and I wish you'd realize that unless you have some info, your opinion is a waste of space (even though I'm pretty sure you or someone like you will just keep on like that.)
> I was looking for the same song, I contacted mastercard, and they say the song is by Wyclef Jean, I have yet to find it anywhere though. And the name of the commercial is 'dogs behaving badly'
# 7 20 years ago

> Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
> And, HaVok, I appreciate a good burn as much as the next guy, but 'fag' or 'fuck' ain't. Why do I wan't this? Because it reminds me of a dead dog I loved, and I think my nieces and nephew would like it. That good enough for you? Why do I bother with the big response to you, when there are so many tired posts like yours on every board? I guess I'm bored and I wish you'd realize that unless you have some info, your opinion is a waste of space (even though I'm pretty sure you or someone like you will just keep on like that.)
> the song is by Wyclef Jean, from what mastercard has told me, however i have not found a recording of it anywhere.

# 8 20 years ago

if you listen to that song i think you will find its some crap opera song that sounds nothing like the actual one on the mastercard ad.....i am looking for that song too and i cant find it anywhere!

# 9 19 years ago

> Anybody: I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
- who sings it.?
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