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Mars Bars Commercial Song

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# 1 18 years ago

wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 2 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
> i need to know.
# 3 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 4 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 5 18 years ago

> > wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
> > i need to know.

name is "Blue Monday" byt New Order
# 6 18 years ago

What's the song for the MArs Bar commercial where the aliens are sitting around a pool eating Earth Bars. It's some kind of Raggae song.

# 7 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 8 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
> theres 2, the new one is shout it out loud by kiss, i'd really like to know the old one though.
# 9 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
> did you ever find out...we're desperate to know
# 10 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 11 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar advert where he walks over the buildings and cars, it is a new advert
# 12 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 13 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning on all the lights as he walks by???
# 14 18 years ago

> wuts the song in the Mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy taking a new route to work?
# 15 18 years ago


Where can I buy the same/similar dress that the girl is wearing in this advert?
She is working in a small bar and wearing this beautiful black and white Dress?
Many thanks
(Messages 1 to 15 of 37 (Page 1 of 3) ) Next 15 messages >>

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