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I need omarions advice

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# 16 18 years ago

> my name is alicia i need some advice on how to have a succesfull interviue and on how to get a from ur biggest fan alicia
# 17 18 years ago

hi omarion my name is laquanda and i really like this boy but he does not know how do i get him to like me back. i really need your advice asap love ya omarion
# 18 18 years ago

> > > Hi my names Rochelle and I'm 14 years of age. I love to sing and have been in the studio a couple of times recording my songs that i have written. I'd love to make my own album and one day become a singer. To boost my confidence though i would love to have omarion write to me and tell me what it's like to be in the music bussiness, maybe the ups and downs and maybe how i could get my voice and my songs heard. i love omarion so much and he is my inspiration and i could really do with some advice write now.
> >
# 19 18 years ago

what up im 14 i need your advise how to get this girl i want so badly we knew each other for a while and we have talked but shes really not that interested in me i think can you tell me what to do so she can like me and get interesed cause i want her i know you be getting the girls alot by the way my name is justin i like you songs espeically touch and o so so try to give me advise like if you was trying to talk to some chick iight one
# 20 18 years ago

what up im 14 i need your advise how to get this girl i want so badly we knew each other for a while and we have talked but shes really not that interested in me i think can you tell me what to do so she can like me and get interesed cause i want her i know you be getting the girls alot by the way my name is justin i like you songs espeically touch and o so so try to give me advise like if you was trying to talk to some chick iight one
# 21 18 years ago

I'm relatted to all the Stwerts
# 22 18 years ago

wz^ im cassie, and there is this guy i like at my school and he is in 7th grade and im in 8th grade and i like him but aparently hes real popular with all the girls cause there all over him, he knows that i like him but im not sure he likes me, my friend knows i like him but she is all over him more than anyone it realy makes me mad. i dont know what to say to him or my friend. what do i do.
# 23 18 years ago

> wz^ im cassie, and there is this guy i like at my school and he is in 7th grade and im in 8th grade and i like him but aparently hes real popular with all the girls cause there all over him, he knows that i like him but im not sure he likes me, my friend knows i like him but she is all over him more than anyone it realy makes me mad. i dont know what to say to him or my friend. what do i do.
# 24 18 years ago

> > wz^ im cassie, and there is this guy i like at my school and he is in 7th grade and im in 8th grade and i like him but aparently hes real popular with all the girls cause there all over him, he knows that i like him but im not sure he likes me, my friend knows i like him but she is all over him more than anyone it realy makes me mad. i dont know what to say to him or my friend. what do i do.
# 25 18 years ago

> Hi my names Rochelle and I'm 14 years of age. I love to sing and have been in the studio a couple of times recording my songs that i have written. I'd love to make my own album and one day become a singer. To boost my confidence though i would love to have omarion write to me and tell me what it's like to be in the music bussiness, maybe the ups and downs and maybe how i could get my voice and my songs heard. i love omarion so much and he is my inspiration and i could really do with some advice write now.
# 26 18 years ago

Hey im Porche and I would like to become a singer but money is alittle tight im tryin to figure out what i could do to raise money
Ya Girl ,Porche
# 27 18 years ago

> hi my name is shatara and i need some advice ho to dance like u
# 28 18 years ago

> > hi my name is shatara and i need some advice ho to dance like u
# 29 18 years ago

> Hi my names Rochelle and I'm 14 years of age. I love to sing and have been in the studio a couple of times recording my songs that i have written. I'd love to make my own album and one day become a singer. To boost my confidence though i would love to have omarion write to me and tell me what it's like to be in the music bussiness, maybe the ups and downs and maybe how i could get my voice and my songs heard. i love omarion so much and he is my inspiration and i could really do with some advice write now.
# 30 18 years ago

> Hi my names Rochelle and I'm 14 years of age. I love to sing and have been in the studio a couple of times recording my songs that i have written. I'd love to make my own album and one day become a singer. To boost my confidence though i would love to have omarion write to me and tell me what it's like to be in the music bussiness, maybe the ups and downs and maybe how i could get my voice and my songs heard. i love omarion so much and he is my inspiration and i could really do with some advice write now.
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