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New Best Buy/Geek Squad Commercial Song?

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# 1 18 years ago

Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
# 2 18 years ago

I'm dying to know if this is Chromeo or not. I love these guys and totally dig the fact that one of their songs is on a mcdonald's advert. Did they do the best buy song tambien? Get rich or die... If someone knows let me know. Word Up. Atomic

# 3 18 years ago

I'm almost Positive its the faint. But im not sure.
# 4 18 years ago

Hey - i wrote the track for this spot, and yes, it was only for this commercial. I run a company called Expansion Team - you can check out all our work at If you want a copy of the track I'll email it to you :-)

thanks for the positive feedback!
# 5 18 years ago

You are correct about it being an "Ad-exclusive" but if you would like to go listen to it (with the commercial) the go here.

Wish it was an accual song i really like it. Hope I was of some service.
# 6 18 years ago

i love the faint, but i don't think it's the faint. the voice sounds different. but i'd like to find out who did make it. they have potential, if they're a band.
# 7 18 years ago
Here's all the new comercials
# 8 18 years ago

> Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
# 9 18 years ago

> Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.

Well I want the song for the jamacian remix of those funky people got the name and who its buy please send an email.
# 10 18 years ago

> Hey - i wrote the track for this spot, and yes, it was only for this commercial. I run a company called Expansion Team - you can check out all our work at If you want a copy of the track I'll email it to you :-)
> thanks for the positive feedback!
> Alex

To: Alex Moulton:

Hey, I really like the way that song sounded, when I saw the BestBuy Geek Squad commercial. I'm a fan of techno and DJ mixes myself, however I can't make my own music, heheh. I like to compliment you on a job very well done. Is it too much if I ask for a copy of the track? Thank you in advance.

Again, excellent job and keep it up! Hope to hear more tune from you soon.

Thank you very much for reading.

In case my e-mail doesn't show, it's:

Thanks, again.
# 11 18 years ago

Hi there,

Can you email me a copy of the geek squad song? Please.

Thanks a lot and hve a nice day

# 12 18 years ago

> Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
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