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Chevy Tahoe - Nobody Knows

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# 1 21 years ago

Where is the commercial filmed - the scenery is outstanding
# 2 21 years ago

> Where is the commercial filmed - the scenery is outstanding
Where is the commercial filmed at??? Goddamn. Who the fuck cares! It was filmed in your mamas fat ass! God you need to get out more and get laid. Where was it filmed at....
# 3 21 years ago

Mr J Rotten
> : Where is the commercial filmed - the scenery is outstanding
> Where is the commercial filmed at??? Goddamn. Who the fuck cares! It was filmed in your mamas fat ass! God you need to get out more and get laid. Where was it filmed at....
> Fag.
I, like yourself HaVoK, spend a lot of time throwing verbal acid in the faces of slack-jawed morons, but in this case, you have to ask yourself which is more pathetic, spending the time to find out where a commercial was filmed, or spending the time to respond to the person finding out where a commercial was filmed? Aside from that, your barbs are effective and enjoyable. Here's hoping you aim one at me.
Keep up the good work.
# 4 21 years ago

Mr J Rotten
> : Where is the commercial filmed - the scenery is outstanding
> Where is the commercial filmed at??? Goddamn. Who the fuck cares! It was filmed in your mamas fat ass! God you need to get out more and get laid. Where was it filmed at....
> Fag.
I, like yourself HaVoK, spend a lot of time throwing verbal acid in the faces of slack-jawed morons, but in this case, you have to ask yourself which is more pathetic, spending the time to find out where a commercial was filmed, or spending the time to respond to the person finding out where a commercial was filmed? Aside from that, your barbs are effective and enjoyable. Here's hoping you aim one at me.
Keep up the good work.
# 5 21 years ago

To Mr J Rotten
Did you have to be so cruel in your post? I was lying naked in the fetal position sucking my thumb and sheding tears for three hours pondering your question. I came to this conclusion.... Who Cares? HAHAHAHAHAHA! I still think wondering where a commercial was filmed is pretty pathetic. It's just more fun to make people!!
As for aiming a barb towards you....nah! Acually anyone who laughs or understands my type of humor scares the shit outta me!

# 6 21 years ago

It probably was'nt filmed ANYWHERE fuckheads, except in somebody's computer.
Those motherfuckers use shit like Maya (fuck there's a 100 othe software packages) to create that 'perfect scenery' bullshit.
Oh yeh, FAG.

# 7 21 years ago

Look 'HaVok': Maybe you're twelve years old and it makes you mad that you can't yell back at your Daddy, so you can't help calling anonymous strangers names for the high crime of liking some scenery or reggae. Any other situation, and you've got no excuse for being such a little loser. Calling everybody a 'fag' probably just makes them pity you -- It's just not a good enough insult. That anger's only gonna make you sick and sad, like you're making me now for you. Why don't you just direct it at someone who's actually doing you wrong, or just find someting more interesting to do, if you can think of anything.

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