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# 1 18 years ago

the song goes

i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!

its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone
# 2 18 years ago

> the song goes
> i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone

it's called "ticket to the world" by low light a google search for lowlight supercharger and there is a link to the band's label's website
# 3 18 years ago

yeah I'd like to know to email is me know when you find out please, thank you...peace!
# 4 18 years ago

all I can remember is it's called ticket to the world..... sorry can't remember by who
# 5 18 years ago

> the song goes
> i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone

---this is the same song i am looking for, WHO DOES IT?---
# 6 18 years ago

Hi, everyone. I came across this discussion while looking for that same song, and after a bit more searching I found out that it's "Ticket to the World" by Low Light Supercharger. You can find them album at
# 7 18 years ago

> the song goes
> i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone
# 8 18 years ago

> the song goes
> i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone
# 9 18 years ago

Thanks to David, I did a search and found that Low Light Supercharger has a webpage on
# 10 18 years ago

> > the song goes
> >
> > i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> >
> > its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone
> ---this is the same song i am looking for, WHO DOES IT?---
# 11 18 years ago

> > the song goes
> >
> > i know i'm goin somewhere... don't care, i'll take anyplace at all!
> >
> > its where the guy has a full leg cast and hes talking to his friends and texting and stuff on his phone
> ---this is the same song i am looking for, WHO DOES IT?---
(All 11 messages )

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