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Nissan Quest 2005 song

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# 1 18 years ago

What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.

It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.

It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts
# 2 18 years ago

> What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts

I know me too, it's not Black Alien or Niki Costa. I'm with you it's driving me nuts0
# 3 18 years ago

> > What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> >
> > It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> >
> > It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts
> I know me too, it's not Black Alien or Niki Costa. I'm with you it's driving me nuts0

Have any of you had any luck tracking the above song? I've been googling it for England (I'm English) but still haven't found it!
# 4 18 years ago

> > What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> >
> > It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> >
> > It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts
> I know me too, it's not Black Alien or Niki Costa. I'm with you it's driving me nuts0

I've been looking for this one for a while as well. Found this on another forum and think they might have the answer:

Subject: Re: 2005 Nissan Quest Commercial - 13/07/2005

"Posted by: Julia from Ontario.

I e-mailed Nissan Canada and as it turns out, the song was created especially for the commercial, so it's now officially out of my reach."
# 5 18 years ago

> What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts

I'm trying to figure it out too! It's driving me nuts as well. Will write if I find it...
# 6 18 years ago

hey, i've heard that this song was actually written for the commercial, meaning we'll never hear it again =(

# 7 18 years ago

> > > What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> > >
> > > It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> > >
> > > It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts
> >
> > I know me too, it's not Black Alien or Niki Costa. I'm with you it's driving me nuts0
> I've been looking for this one for a while as well. Found this on another forum and think they might have the answer:
> Subject: Re: 2005 Nissan Quest Commercial - 13/07/2005
> "Posted by: Julia from Ontario.
> I e-mailed Nissan Canada and as it turns out, the song was created especially for the commercial, so it's now officially out of my reach."
That's too funny cuz I came here after just seeing the ad and really digging that tune. d**n.
# 8 18 years ago

> > > What's the song in the american/canadian Nissan Quest 2005 commercial.
> > >
> > > It's NOT Modest Mouse, black alien (unless I have the wrong version, the one i have is this weird island beat fast song), or Nikka Costa.
> > >
> > > It sort of has a soft electronic beat, sounds along the lines of Days Go By, but it's not. Please help me, it's driving me nuts
> >
> > I know me too, it's not Black Alien or Niki Costa. I'm with you it's driving me nuts0
> I've been looking for this one for a while as well. Found this on another forum and think they might have the answer:
> Subject: Re: 2005 Nissan Quest Commercial - 13/07/2005
> "Posted by: Julia from Ontario.
> I e-mailed Nissan Canada and as it turns out, the song was created especially for the commercial, so it's now officially out of my reach."
That's too funny cuz I came here after just seeing the ad and really digging that tune. d**n.
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