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Animated Commercial Plank of Wood

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# 1 21 years ago

Unfortunately, I do not have any significant information to identify this commercial - I was watching TV in a hmmmm...altered state of mind and was amazed by this commercial. I can't really remember it well, but I would love to know what it was for.
It was a fantastic, multi-layered animation involving a plank of wood with a face and at one point it was raining and the wood was in water. Dear lord I sound like an ass. If anyone knows what this is - please post. Thanks.
# 2 21 years ago

Whoops - a friend came through - it was just a promo spot for the Cartoon Network. Damn cool though.
# 3 21 years ago

> Whoops - a friend came through - it was just a promo spot for the Cartoon Network. Damn cool though.
: JB
Apparently the plank of wood is also on Ed, Edd, and Eddy, I believe :)
# 4 18 years ago

I was just searching around and found this. it's actually not a commercial. it's one of those music videos that cartoon network occasionally makes. plank is from edd, ed, and eddy. it's johnny's freind. he drew a face on a plank and he called it his friend and sometimes plank "talks" to him.
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