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ADMIN! Why are these videos NOT in the top 50?

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# 1 22 years ago

Claire Goodall
Kylie Minougue 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'
Thirteen:13 '50 Stories'
Fatboy Slim 'Weapon of Choice'
All seem to have votes that total higher than the lower positions in your chart but don't make the top 50........why is this?
And if they are not, where are they in the top 100? 0r thousand!
# 2 22 years ago

The charts are updated on a weekly basis!

: Three of my favourite videos:
> Kylie Minougue 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'
: Thirteen:13 '50 Stories'
: Fatboy Slim 'Weapon of Choice'
> All seem to have votes that total higher than the lower positions in your chart but don't make the top 50........why is this?
> And if they are not, where are they in the top 100? 0r thousand!

# 3 22 years ago

Niko Leelay
We KNOW the charts are updated weekly - that is our point - these videos have ratings of over 8 and neither of them are in the top 50 whilst there is still Christina Aguilera and Bananarama firing up the chart. Do you mean that it actually takes two weeks to update the chart?
> The charts are updated on a weekly basis!
:> Three of my favourite videos:
>> Kylie Minougue 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'
:> Thirteen:13 '50 Stories'
:> Fatboy Slim 'Weapon of Choice'
>> All seem to have votes that total higher than the lower positions in your chart but don't make the top 50........why is this?
>> And if they are not, where are they in the top 100? 0r thousand!

# 4 22 years ago

You are right,
there seems to be a problem with the chart calculation engine.
Unfortunately we have currently no programming resources free to go into this problem.
I promise we will solve this a soon as possible.
> Admin!
> We KNOW the charts are updated weekly - that is our point - these videos have ratings of over 8 and neither of them are in the top 50 whilst there is still Christina Aguilera and Bananarama firing up the chart. Do you mean that it actually takes two weeks to update the chart?
>> The charts are updated on a weekly basis!
:> : Three of my favourite videos:
>> : Kylie Minougue 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'
:> : Thirteen:13 '50 Stories'
:> : Fatboy Slim 'Weapon of Choice'
>> : All seem to have votes that total higher than the lower positions in your chart but don't make the top 50........why is this?
>> : And if they are not, where are they in the top 100? 0r thousand!

# 5 22 years ago

Niko Leelay
No problem - you guys still run the most vital resource on the web for Pop Promos and their directors - keep up the good work!
# 6 22 years ago

> Admin!
Ola Meu Nome é juliano sou da cidadde de Nova Odessa Interior de São Paulo é sou Ligadão nesta super estrela..Beijos
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