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Gia soundtrack question!!

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# 16 18 years ago

> Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out one of the songs played in the HBO movie Gia (starring Angelina Jolie). It's the song that is playing while she is walking down the runway after she shoots up. She's wearing a white dress I think, and there are like feathers or something floating in the air around her. What is the name of this song and who is it by?!? Any help would be much appreciated! Please email at if you can help. THANKS!
I'd like to know that too!
# 17 18 years ago

Billy Idol-Dancing With Myself
# 18 18 years ago

> > > Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out one of the songs played in the HBO movie Gia (starring Angelina Jolie). It's the song that is playing while she is walking down the runway after she shoots up. She's wearing a white dress I think, and there are like feathers or something floating in the air around her. What is the name of this song and who is it by?!? Any help would be much appreciated! Please email at if you can help. THANKS!
> > >
> >
did you ever find out the song? if you did could you please e-mail it to me @ it would be greatly appreciated as i too was wondering the song. thank you! xo
# 19 18 years ago

> > Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out one of the songs played in the HBO movie Gia (starring Angelina Jolie). It's the song that is playing while she is walking down the runway after she shoots up. She's wearing a white dress I think, and there are like feathers or something floating in the air around her. What is the name of this song and who is it by?!? Any help would be much appreciated! Please email at if you can help. THANKS!
> >
> I'd like to know that too!
# 20 18 years ago

> > > Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out one of the songs played in the HBO movie Gia (starring Angelina Jolie). It's the song that is playing while she is walking down the runway after she shoots up. She's wearing a white dress I think, and there are like feathers or something floating in the air around her. What is the name of this song and who is it by?!? Any help would be much appreciated! Please email at if you can help. THANKS!
> > >
> > I'd like to know that too!
# 21 18 years ago

> dose any body know the name/ artist of the song from the movie Gia, when she stripping for the blonde girl,
> gose something like:
> "going to use my arms, going to use my fingers, going to use my imagination..."
> thank you
> tara
the song is called "brass in pocket by the Pretenders.
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