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i would like to meet hilary duff and talk to her

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# 16 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff becuse,she is my idol. My best friend and i ould really like to meet her. my best friend, her name is ashley. we are abset with her. and we really want to meet her. we benn to her concetrs but not front row. so please can we meet her
# 17 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff becuse,she is my idol. My best friend and i ould really like to meet her. my best friend, her name is ashley. we are abset with her. and we really want to meet her. we benn to her concetrs but not front row. so please can we meet her
# 18 18 years ago

my greatest dream is to spend a time with hilary life is really hard right now and it's something i have never been through before. i hope she get's this b/c i would be very happy. i belive in hilary and i hope she belives in me and i know she would make my dream come true. if i could be friends with her no would know how happy i would be.
# 19 18 years ago

I realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,REALY would like to meet Hilary Duff I have pictures of her all over my walls in my bedroom!!!I have FAITH that I will meet her someday!!!I hope that my dream will come true to meet her and see her Would be the BEST ever!!!Shes so sweet, Beatiful, Kind,Lovely and she is super!!!!! I just wish I could meet HER!!!I HAVE FAITH I WILL!!!I WISH THERE WAS SOMEONE THAT COULD MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE1!!!I BEILIEVE EVERYDAY!!!PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
# 20 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff bwcause i really like her shes my favouret movie star of all time i really like her movies espesally raise your voice i really really wont to meet her and talk to her about her music and movies iv seen every episide of lizzie mcguire and i have all her cds i wish wish that i could meet her and see her sing thats my only wish i hope hilary duff see this and i hope she can make m y wish come true
# 21 18 years ago

i would really like to talk to hilary duff because i love all her films especailly raise your voice it's totaly great but i understand she can't talk to everyone so could u just pass this email on plzs
luv a-j
# 22 18 years ago

> > I wish i could meet hilary duff.because i like all her cds and all her movies and books.i have almost all her cds i just need her new one and Santa Clause Lane.i haved watched all her movies i have listedned to all her cds i have and read all her books i have.i really want to meet her and i hope my wish comes true.>
# 23 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff bwcause i really like her shes my favouret movie star of all time i really like her movies espesally raise your voice i really really wont to meet her and talk to her about her music and movies iv seen every episide of lizzie mcguire and i have all her cds i wish wish that i could meet her and see her sing thats my only wish i hope hilary duff see this and i hope she can make m y wish come true
# 24 18 years ago

> > hi ireally want to meet hilary duff i want to talk to her and see her she is my favorite fan she is a very talented teenager i wish my dream comes true please let me see and talk to her.your friend jessica
# 25 18 years ago

i really want to meet hilary duff i love her iv'e been to 2 of her concerts i just went to one in july my favorite song is wake up i wish i could meet her she is the best singer ever
# 26 18 years ago

> >I really want to meet Hilary Duff. She is my favorite person, My room is covered with Hilary Duff posters and still have more to hang. I enjoy Hillary's movies and songs. I spend a lot of time watching her movies over and over again. I also have a lot of shirts with Hilary Duff and I am wearing one today. I hope I am the lucky one who gets to meetto Hilary Duff. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!
# 27 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff bwcause i really like her shes my favouret movie star of all time i really like her movies espesally in cinderella story! i really really want to meet her and talk to her about her music and movies iv seen every episode of lizzie mcguire and i have all her cds i wish wish that i could meet her and see her thats my only wish i hope hilary duff see this and i hope she can make m y wish come true
# 28 18 years ago

> > > i would really like to meet hilary duff because i really like her shes my favorite movie star of all time i really like her movies especially in cinderella story! i really really want to meet her and talk to her about her music and movies iv seen every episode of lizzie mcguire and i have all her cds i wish wish that i could meet her and see her thats my only wish i hope hilary duff see this and i hope she can make m y wish come true

your # 1 fan Courtney
# 29 18 years ago

Hi I would like to meet Hilary coz she is awsome!!!!!! I watched every epesode of Lizzie Mcguire,I watched all her movies, and I went to her concert. My sister Marissa met Hilary when at Canada In Coz she works there. My sister told Hilary were to buy shoes. I really want to meet Hilary I
am her #1 Fan.
Well got to go see ya on the flip side.
# 30 18 years ago

> > i would really like to meet hilary duff bwcause i really like her she is my favorite movie star of all time i really like her movies especially raise your voice i really really want to meet her and talk to her about her music and movies ive seen every episide of lizzie mcguire and i have 1 her cds i wish wish that i could meet her and see her sing and give me a tickect to on of her concerts and to become a singer thats my only wish i hope hilary duff see this and i hope she can make my wish come true
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