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volvo commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

missa ho
ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M
# 2 21 years ago

MTV uses the same song on some of their ads. It has words and I tried to find luck! But the words go 'dance all night to this dj' To make it worse....the song is SOOOOO much better than the clip in the volvo commercial. Actually responding here because I'm looking for it too! Hey...anyone have a name do me a favor and email me.... I know some ad company knows this for sure. Maybe find the ad company and go to their website...hmmm what we won't do for good music.
: ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M
# 3 21 years ago

MTV uses the same song on some of their ads. It has words and I tried to find luck! But the words go 'dance all night to this dj' To make it worse....the song is SOOOOO much better than the clip in the volvo commercial. Actually responding here because I'm looking for it too! Hey...anyone have a name do me a favor and email me.... I know some ad company knows this for sure. Maybe find the ad company and go to their website...hmmm what we won't do for good music.
:> ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M
# 4 21 years ago

Yeah that's one of them, but how about the other commercial where the guy dodges some motorcycle? Kind of techno-ish music

> paul oakenfold starry eyed surprise off Bunkka

# 5 21 years ago

its starry eyed surprise
# 6 21 years ago

I too am looking for info on that song myself. I e-mailed VH1 (even though MTV owns VH1, VH1 are the ones that use the song in their promos) and I have not gotten a response as yet (it's been 5 days). Please let me know if someone finds out before I do and I will do the same. Thanks.
> paul oakenfold starry eyed surprise off Bunkka
: :
: MTV uses the same song on some of their ads. It has words and I tried to find luck! But the words go 'dance all night to this dj' To make it worse....the song is SOOOOO much better than the clip in the volvo commercial. Actually responding here because I'm looking for it too! Hey...anyone have a name do me a favor and email me.... I know some ad company knows this for sure. Maybe find the ad company and go to their website...hmmm what we won't do for good music.
:> : ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M
# 7 20 years ago

Paul Oakenfold -- Starry Eyed Surprise

# 8 20 years ago

Mikey B
Yeah hi, it's 'Starry-Eyed Surprise' by Paul Oakenfold
> MTV uses the same song on some of their ads. It has words and I tried to find luck! But the words go 'dance all night to this dj' To make it worse....the song is SOOOOO much better than the clip in the volvo commercial. Actually responding here because I'm looking for it too! Hey...anyone have a name do me a favor and email me.... I know some ad company knows this for sure. Maybe find the ad company and go to their website...hmmm what we won't do for good music.
:> ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M

# 9 20 years ago

Mikey B
Yeah hi, it's 'Starry-Eyed Surprise' by Paul Oakenfold
> MTV uses the same song on some of their ads. It has words and I tried to find luck! But the words go 'dance all night to this dj' To make it worse....the song is SOOOOO much better than the clip in the volvo commercial. Actually responding here because I'm looking for it too! Hey...anyone have a name do me a favor and email me.... I know some ad company knows this for sure. Maybe find the ad company and go to their website...hmmm what we won't do for good music.
:> ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M

# 10 20 years ago

I'm also looking for this tune, it stars with a great reverberating guitar riff ... if this is the same song you guys are talking about, I don't know.
# 11 19 years ago

>Can i download the tv comercials¨?
# 12 19 years ago

> ok whats the song in that volvo commercial where they say 'u think about how accidents occour blah blah blah, you think, then u build' well its like kinda hip hop soundin so if u no PLEEZ TELL M
I think it's Dilated Peoples.
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