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Actress/model in Toyota television commercials?

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# 1 18 years ago

She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.

she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.

Just wondering her name.
# 2 18 years ago

Hey man,

Sorry, no help here. I live in the NYC market too...Yeah, I've seen the commercials...that girl is soooooooo fine.

> She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.
> she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.
> Just wondering her name.
# 3 18 years ago

> She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.
> she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.
> Just wondering her name.

Did anyone find the name?
# 4 18 years ago

*sigh* everytime her commercials come on I just stop what I'm doing and stare. I hope someone can tell us who she is.
# 5 18 years ago

I think she is Gwendoline Yeo, from Singapore.
# 6 18 years ago

> I think she is Gwendoline Yeo, from Singapore.

no it's not the same woman i am talking about, although this Ms. Yeo did apparently do a toyota commercial too.

the actress i am referring to only looks a little bit asian. she might even be hispanic. it's very subtle. and her voice is perfect english diction. "Moving you forward"
# 7 18 years ago

> I think she is Gwendoline Yeo, from Singapore.

no it's not the same woman i am talking about, although this Ms. Yeo did apparently do a toyota commercial too.

the actress i am referring to only looks a little bit asian. she might even be hispanic. it's very subtle. and her voice is perfect english diction. "Moving you forward"
# 8 18 years ago

>Yes, I too, would like to know who this lovely young woman is. Too bad she hasn't appeared in any of Toyota's commercials, lately.
# 9 18 years ago

No. I just check Gwendoline Yeo's photo on She is not the girl from these commercials.

It's been driving me nuts too. Who is this girl? What an attractive lady!
# 10 7 years ago

Ari Celi Valdez
# 11 7 years ago

Laurel Coppock
# 12 6 years ago

Are you sure that it isn't Olivia Munn?
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