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# 16 20 years ago

It *is* MxPx, but I don't know what the song is called either :
# 17 20 years ago

the songs called 'well adjusted'

# 18 20 years ago

I've heard the title of the song is 'Well Adjusted'. I've also heard that it's as of yet, unreleased. This is all hearsay though.

# 19 20 years ago

:whats the name of the song?
# 20 20 years ago

'well adjusted'

# 21 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.

the song is called 'well adjusted' i think it comes out july 28 or at least sometime this summer

# 22 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.
the song is called 'well adjusted' and the cd is called 'before everything and after'

# 23 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.
>the song is called well adjusted and is comming out on the new cd before everything and after
# 24 20 years ago

the song is well-adjusted. see ya later and long live punk rock
# 25 20 years ago

Hey.. I know the commercial you're talking about. The song is 'Well Adjusted' from their new, upcoming album Before Everything and After. Hope this helps.
>> whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.

# 26 20 years ago

I heard its the song entitled 'Well Adjusted' which will be on MxPx's new album 'Before Everything and After' coming out in September. Good song!

# 27 20 years ago

The song on the Diet Pepsi *Mud People* commercial is called Well Adjusted. The song is off of their album Before Everything and After which is produced by A&M records.
Hope I've been of some help.
# 28 20 years ago

the songs called well adjusted
# 29 20 years ago

the song is called 'well adjusted'

# 30 20 years ago

The song is called 'Well Adjusted'
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