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Romantic song on Wayne's World 2

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# 1 21 years ago

When Kim Basinger is trying to seduce Garth (Dana Carvey), there is a romantic french song playing in the background during the movie 'Wayne's World 2'
Has anyone heard this sng and know who sings it? I've been trying to look for it foever! (not on their soundtrack)
# 2 21 years ago

Hi There. The song you may be thinking of is the song called 'the french song' (how original lol)and it's by joan jett & The Blackhearts. I hope this is the song you want. Have a great day!
ps. I have the song. If you have any trouble finding it yourself, I'll be glad to share it with you. Just post an E-mail address and I'll send it.
# 3 21 years ago

Hey Luc.The song I made reference to, has a rock beat to it. I don't know if that fits your description of a 'romantic song' but it does have french words in it. I suggested it because Joan Jett is also featured on the Wayne's world 2 soundtrack with ' I love rock & roll'.
I'll still send it if you want. Mark.
# 4 21 years ago

Hi, thanks for the response! I checked out the song and it is not the song I am trying to find. The song I'm looking for is mostly vocals, not rock. Thanks for the help though!
('The French Song' is nevertheless a good song)

: Hey Luc.The song I made reference to, has a rock beat to it. I don't know if that fits your description of a 'romantic song' but it does have french words in it. I suggested it because Joan Jett is also featured on the Wayne's world 2 soundtrack with ' I love rock & roll'.
> I'll still send it if you want. Mark.

# 5 20 years ago

Did you guys ever figure this one out.......I am interested in this song as well??

> Hi, thanks for the response! I checked out the song and it is not the song I am trying to find. The song I'm looking for is mostly vocals, not rock. Thanks for the help though!
> ('The French Song' is nevertheless a good song)
> Luc
> : Hey Luc.The song I made reference to, has a rock beat to it. I don't know if that fits your description of a 'romantic song' but it does have french words in it. I suggested it because Joan Jett is also featured on the Wayne's world 2 soundtrack with ' I love rock & roll'.
> > I'll still send it if you want. Mark.
# 6 20 years ago

song is also on Catch Me if you Can soundtrack

Girl from Ipanema is the name of the song

> When Kim Basinger is trying to seduce Garth (Dana Carvey), there is a romantic french song playing in the background during the movie 'Wayne's World 2'
> Has anyone heard this sng and know who sings it? I've been trying to look for it foever! (not on their soundtrack)
> Thanks!
# 7 19 years ago

> Hey Luc.The song I made reference to, has a rock beat to it. I don't know if that fits your description of a 'romantic song' but it does have french words in it. I suggested it because Joan Jett is also featured on the Wayne's world 2 soundtrack with ' I love rock & roll'.
> I'll still send it if you want. Mark. we broke up two months ago.
# 8 19 years ago

> Hey Luc.The song I made reference to, has a rock beat to it. I don't know if that fits your description of a 'romantic song' but it does have french words in it. I suggested it because Joan Jett is also featured on the Wayne's world 2 soundtrack with ' I love rock & roll'.
> I'll still send it if you want. Mark. we broke up two months ago.
# 9 18 years ago

> When Kim Basinger is trying to seduce Garth (Dana Carvey), there is a romantic french song playing in the background during the movie 'Wayne's World 2'
> Has anyone heard this sng and know who sings it? I've been trying to look for it foever! (not on their soundtrack)
> Thanks!

I would believe it is "The Boy From Ipanema" as there are many versions, I'm not sure which artist it is, but you can check on, search Wayne's World 2, then on your left select soundtrack listing amongst all the other links. Hope this helps
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