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Verizon TV ad

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# 16 18 years ago

> > Correction...........DDubble Impactt!!!!
# 17 18 years ago

> What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...
# 18 18 years ago

We'd like to air one of the Verizon TV ads at a TxDOT conference next week in a 10 minute Power Point presentation for my division: the Vehicle, Titles and Registration Div. of TxDOT. In short - we are the DMV. The commercial we're interested in shows a man tied up, being tortured by another who is using his cell phone minutes. The presentation provides an overview of what we do and I thought it would be a great icebreaker to play the Verizon ad. The Verizon ad would only be used once, and not reproduced at all. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Christina Flores
Public Information Officer
VTR TxDOT Austin
(512) 302-2076
# 19 18 years ago

The featured group is called DDOUBLE IMPACTT. They are an unsigned band from the UK. Track is called 'Move A Lot' from the 'We Aint the Same' CD

> I love it too.. on another forum they said it was a group called Double Impact from the UK. Can't get a confirmation or find the song title, though.... I hope someone finds out!
# 20 18 years ago

i dont know, but i love it to...if you find out email it to me
# 21 18 years ago

You can find the song (by Ddubble Impactt) (Mmove A Lot) at this site:

It looks like they share their songs freely, legally. I am having trouble downloading it. Please email me if you succeed.

# 22 18 years ago

> > What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
> ya seriously. I need to know.
# 23 18 years ago

> What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
# 24 18 years ago

> > What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
> ya seriously. I need to know.

have you found out who the band is yet? I'm looking for the same thing
# 25 18 years ago

> What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT

Did you get an answer??
# 26 18 years ago

> What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
# 27 18 years ago

Yes - I've looked everywhere for a reference to this song and can't find it. Any information would be greatly appreciated...

# 28 18 years ago

> > What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
> ya seriously. I need to know.
The song is by Michael McDonald but do not know the name of it. Hope it helps
# 29 18 years ago

> > What is the name of that song used as the backdrop in the new Verizon ad for digital music? It's a rap song & the ad shows a girl in her kitchen dancing, and people in the audience doing mundane things like ironing or listening to music in bed...HELP! Love that song! CT
> ya seriously. I need to know.
The song is by Michael McDonald but do not know the name of it. Hope it helps
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