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old music video question

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey, if anybody here can get this they'll get the rights to my first born child, cuz I'm stumped. Who played the 'cheerleader chick' in the Nada Surf video 'Popular.' The one the video kinda follows around. I've found the director and a bunch about the band, any idea on the girl? (I think the guy might be named Chip)
# 2 20 years ago

> Hey, if anybody here can get this they'll get the rights to my first born child, cuz I'm stumped. Who played the 'cheerleader chick' in the Nada Surf video 'Popular.' The one the video kinda follows around. I've found the director and a bunch about the band, any idea on the girl? (I think the guy might be named Chip)
This girl actually worked as a temp for a week or two at a company I worked for in NYC in either late 1996 or early 1997. All I can remember is that her first name was Sarah. Sorry...

# 3 19 years ago

> Hey, if anybody here can get this they'll get the rights to my first born child, cuz I'm stumped. Who played the 'cheerleader chick' in the Nada Surf video 'Popular.' The one the video kinda follows around. I've found the director and a bunch about the band, any idea on the girl? (I think the guy might be named Chip)
I used to hang with her when I lived in NYC.
Her name is sarah. Now,hand over that first-born.haha.Just kidding about the firstborn thing.
# 4 17 years ago

> Hey, if anybody here can get this they'll get the rights to my first born child, cuz I'm stumped. Who played the 'cheerleader chick' in the Nada Surf video 'Popular.' The one the video kinda follows around. I've found the director and a bunch about the band, any idea on the girl? (I think the guy might be named Chip)
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