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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know what song is used in the msot recent (well as far I know...) commercial? I think part of the lyrics are 'You to me are like flowers in the morning.'
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is used in the msot recent (well as far I know...) commercial? I think part of the lyrics are 'You to me are like flowers in the morning.'
Concrete and Clay
Music & Lyrics> Parker - Brian - Moeller - Tommy
Notes> Also performed by 'Unit Four Plus Three' (1965)
in a previous arrangement written by Eddie Rambeau.
You to me
Are sweet as roses in the morning
And you to me
Are soft as summer rain at dawn, in love we share
That something rare
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
All around
I see the purple shades of evening
And on the ground
The shadows fall and once again you're in my arms
So tenderly
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
And that's the way
That's the way it's meant to be
That's the way
(that's the way it's meant to be)
Whoa, that's the way
That's the way it's meant to be [fade]

# 3 20 years ago

Concrete and Clay
Music & Lyrics> Parker - Brian - Moeller - Tommy
Notes> Also performed by 'Unit Four Plus Three' (1965)
in a previous arrangement written by Eddie Rambeau.
You to me
Are sweet as roses in the morning
And you to me
Are soft as summer rain at dawn, in love we share
That something rare
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
All around
I see the purple shades of evening
And on the ground
The shadows fall and once again you're in my arms
So tenderly
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
The sidewalks in the street
The concrete and the clay beneath my feet
Begins to crumble
But love will never die
Because we'll see the mountains tumble
Before we say goodbye
My love and I will be
In love eternally
That's the way
Mmm, that's the way it's meant to be
And that's the way
That's the way it's meant to be
That's the way
(that's the way it's meant to be)
Whoa, that's the way
That's the way it's meant to be [fade]

# 4 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is used in the most recent (well as far I know...) commercial? I think part of the lyrics are 'You to me are like flowers in the morning.'
I believe it is called CONCRETE AND CLAY and the phrase is:
You to me
Are sweet as roses in the morning
And you to me
Are soft as summer rain at dawn, in love we share
That something rare

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