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A major long shot

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# 1 21 years ago

I am in search of a rather rare 80s song I heard on the radio. I have heard the song played in vacation promotion commercials, but I know nothing specific. The group sounds British..or at least not American. The main part of the song is a woman or group of women singing notes. Its very new-ageish, yet somewhat Carribean. The chorus sings something like 'hey-a-na-na--he-ey-ey-yaaaa' very strange. any song suggestions are appreciated. i've searched through lists of 80s songs..downloading enough of 100s to eliminate them. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

I think you're thinking of 'Life in a Northern Town' by Dream Academy. Its chorus is very close to what you describe. And you're right: it's an 80s tune and I believe DA is a British group.
> I am in search of a rather rare 80s song I heard on the radio. I have heard the song played in vacation promotion commercials, but I know nothing specific. The group sounds British..or at least not American. The main part of the song is a woman or group of women singing notes. Its very new-ageish, yet somewhat Carribean. The chorus sings something like 'hey-a-na-na--he-ey-ey-yaaaa' very strange. any song suggestions are appreciated. i've searched through lists of 80s songs..downloading enough of 100s to eliminate them. Thanks.

# 3 21 years ago

That's the one. Thank you so much. I've been trying to figure it out for two months! Thanks.
> I think you're thinking of 'Life in a Northern Town' by Dream Academy. Its chorus is very close to what you describe. And you're right: it's an 80s tune and I believe DA is a British group.
: ------------
>> I am in search of a rather rare 80s song I heard on the radio. I have heard the song played in vacation promotion commercials, but I know nothing specific. The group sounds British..or at least not American. The main part of the song is a woman or group of women singing notes. Its very new-ageish, yet somewhat Carribean. The chorus sings something like 'hey-a-na-na--he-ey-ey-yaaaa' very strange. any song suggestions are appreciated. i've searched through lists of 80s songs..downloading enough of 100s to eliminate them. Thanks.

# 4 19 years ago

Yeah mate the song is "Life in a Northern Town" by British Band "Dream Academy" Think it was a one hit wonder for them

> I am in search of a rather rare 80s song I heard on the radio. I have heard the song played in vacation promotion commercials, but I know nothing specific. The group sounds British..or at least not American. The main part of the song is a woman or group of women singing notes. Its very new-ageish, yet somewhat Carribean. The chorus sings something like 'hey-a-na-na--he-ey-ey-yaaaa' very strange. any song suggestions are appreciated. i've searched through lists of 80s songs..downloading enough of 100s to eliminate them. Thanks.
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