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HELP!!! whats the song on the saturn ion commercial "leaving high school" ???????????

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# 1 21 years ago

whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
# 2 21 years ago

> whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????

# 3 21 years ago

> : whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????

Hey guys,
After searching for a few minutes, I found out what the song is, I believe. The name of the song is Forever Young By Alphaville. I think the one used in the commerical is a remix of some sort because the studio one is quite slow pace.
Anyway, I hope that helps you out!

# 4 21 years ago

Manda and Ike.. you'll love me.. did a little research..
the song is called 'FOREVER YOUNG' and its by~ALPHAVILLE off of the album 'First Harvest' you can find the lyrics here--->
I was gonig nuts trying to find it myself. Glad to share the welth.

# 5 21 years ago

> whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
Forever Young by Alphaville. But that's not the song we danced to during the shoot. We danced to a Rob Zombie song ('We' meaning our Theatre class) I was in the back wearing the white sweater over the blue dress.
# 6 21 years ago

Thanks! That's the song alright... it's easy to find on kazaa, imesh, et cetera.

> Manda and Ike.. you'll love me.. did a little research..
: the song is called 'FOREVER YOUNG' and its by~ALPHAVILLE off of the album 'First Harvest' you can find the lyrics here--->
> I was gonig nuts trying to find it myself. Glad to share the welth.

# 7 21 years ago

> I love that song from what little I've heard of it in the commercial. Makes me remember what it felt like to graduate and leave high school many years ago.
# 8 21 years ago

> whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
The song is 'Forever Young' by Alphaville
# 9 21 years ago

> whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
its called 'forever young' by Alphaville. its an 80s song.

# 10 21 years ago

We've Been Had - The Walkmen
# 11 21 years ago

That's the song from the one about entering old age and leaving youth. There's a new one out about leaving high school and the others here are right, you're wrong.

# 12 21 years ago

# 13 21 years ago

> : whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
It's alphaville forever young
have fun with it - its a great eighties song

# 14 21 years ago

> : whats the song on the saturn ion commercial 'leaving high school' ???????????
> The song is 'Forever Young' by Alphaville
that song is so good, the commercial makes me want to cry

# 15 21 years ago

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