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Another brilliant Docker's ad song, but who sings it?

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# 1 18 years ago

Just heard a fab song... courtesy- the new Dockers ad. It goes like.."This is your moment to be, close your eyes and you'll see....... let your spirit set you free". Could someone please let me know who sings it? Thanks.
I know it's def not The The's - this is the day.
# 2 18 years ago

> Just heard a fab song... courtesy- the new Dockers ad. It goes like.."This is your moment to be, close your eyes and you'll see....... let your spirit set you free". Could someone please let me know who sings it? Thanks.
> I know it's def not The The's - this is the day.

Even I m interested to know who song it?
It really Fab, I just love it. Please let me know tooo.
# 3 18 years ago


Even I want to know the name of the song and the singer. :-)

Check out the dockers commercial at
This ad plays the song 'This is the day' by 'The The'.
The same ad which is being shown in India does not have this song but a different song
which goes like this..

"This is your moment to be !
Open your eyes and see !
Let your spirit set you free !"
# 4 18 years ago

> Just heard a fab song... courtesy- the new Dockers ad. It goes like.."This is your moment to be, close your eyes and you'll see....... let your spirit set you free". Could someone please let me know who sings it? Thanks.
> I know it's def not The The's - this is the day.
# 5 18 years ago

> Just heard a fab song... courtesy- the new Dockers ad. It goes like.."This is your moment to be, close your eyes and you'll see....... let your spirit set you free". Could someone please let me know who sings it? Thanks.
> I know it's def not The The's - this is the day.
# 6 18 years ago

Hey where do i get the indian dockers ad song from? It rules!!! I just can't get over it. Everytime i switch on my tele its just for listening to that song.
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