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MUSIC - Merrill Lynch commercial ??

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey guys. Would any of you know the music in the background of the new Merrill Lynch commercial? I've seen this commercial mainly while watching CNN, but I'm sure it airs elsewhere. The music is orchestral sounding (violin, or another string inst),but ends with what sounds like a child in chorus. The commercial itself features many scenes among which are: a girl looking at her new braces in the mirror, a woman tying a man's tie, a horse running in a field, an older couple walking through times square, children rehearsing a play (a boy dressed in a lion's costume is prominently featured, with whiskers painted on his face)and it ends with a very large Bull turning its head toward the camera. The commercial also has voice over. Some of the man's dialog is...'Your hopes and dreams go beyond stocks and bonds...Introducing total Merrill. We see your financial life, in total.' I hope this is detailed enough lol. With my luck it's probably an OC made for just this commercial. That music is quite hard to get if it is! I do hope someone can get the name of it or at least its composer for me. Thank You very much! Mark.
# 2 21 years ago

I wrote to the company. If they respond and I find out i'll tell you (I owe you big time for the Dream Academy song lol)

# 3 21 years ago

O WOW LOL. That was very nice of you! Thank you!
As to the Dream Academy song, NO PROBLEM! I was glad to have suggested it to you. I'll be sure to check back every now and then. But even if that company doesn't get back to you with results to your inquiry, I'm thankful for your effort and thoughtfulness. Take care! Mark.
# 4 21 years ago

You can try contacting them directly through their Media Relations group.
# 5 21 years ago
# 6 21 years ago

Thank You for the direct link Amy. I didn't know exactly what area of that vast company to write to. The link you have provided is very much appreciated. Have a great day! Mark.
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