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"ESPN-Without Sports" commercials

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
my email:
# 2 18 years ago

> Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
> my email:
# 3 18 years ago

> Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
> my email:

I know the ending to it, still haven't found the rest tho.
"You're such a knowout, but i don't wanna strike out, you know? But when you see that bucket, man, and you can take that shot....well, you gotta take it. It's 4th down, 3 seconds on the clock, and I'm swinging for the fences. I think we make a great team."

If u get the rest, let me know..
# 4 18 years ago

Hi. I really really need to know the song playing in the background of an ESPN commercial of a advertisment for the pistons v. 76ers game. If anyone can help me that would be so great~
# 5 17 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the piano instrumental that plays during the ESPN "Without sports, what would we hold on to" commercial? It's the commercial with the boy who grows up with the red Cardinals blanket and it shows his giving it to his young daughter at the end of the commercial. I've been trying to find the name of the song, but no luck so far. If you can help, please e-mail me. Thank you!
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