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HBO/Cinemax Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know the song used by HBO and Cinemax on their Dish Network ads pitching their movies? It is a piano tune that sounds like it's probably Moby, but confirmation of artist and title would be nice. Thanks.

# 2 21 years ago

COldplay - clocks
on their cd 'a rush of blood to the head'

# 3 20 years ago

I was wondering what that song was too and did a search on 'nothing else compares' and lyrics and came up with the artist Coldplay and the song called 'Clocks'. I hope this helps.
> Anyone know the song used by HBO and Cinemax on their Dish Network ads pitching their movies? It is a piano tune that sounds like it's probably Moby, but confirmation of artist and title would be nice. Thanks.

# 4 20 years ago

> Anyone know the song used by HBO and Cinemax on their Dish Network ads pitching their movies? It is a piano tune that sounds like it's probably Moby, but confirmation of artist and title would be nice. Thanks.
# 5 20 years ago

> Anyone know the song used by HBO on its most recent Sunday night Promo that has a hip-hop feel to it with lines such as "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus."? Been trying to find it now for a while and any help would be welcome
# 6 20 years ago

The song is "Algebra" performed by Soul Hooligan. They rock, go out and get their album!
# 7 19 years ago

anyone kow hte name of the song used on Cinemax Summe rOVerlaod Commercial? Thanks.
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