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"Without Sports" commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
# 2 18 years ago

> Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
# 3 18 years ago

did you ever get the lines to that commercial? if you did can you send them to me. Also if you have a link to a video of it. Probably the best commercial ever

> Hi. Does anybody know the lines to the "without sports" commercial with the couple driving in the car. And the guy can only say things referring to sports, and the final line is, "without sports, there would be nothing to say". If you can help please email me back, Thanx.
# 4 18 years ago

Yes, these are the lines

I been kind of nervous about stepping up to the plate for a while now, but when you see your shot you gotta take it right. Youre such a knockout, and I feel like I spend my whole life afraid to strike out. But you know when you see that goalie, and you can take that shot you gotta take it. 4th down 3 seconds on the clock and i'm swinging for the fences
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