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looking for a musicvideo

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# 1 22 years ago

Hi there
I'm looking for a music video and maybe you can help me out.... The problem
is that I don't know any name of the artist(s) or song.
It's a video set in a small club / arena where young people are dancing. I
believe first you see an empty set with some fences placed in front. Soon
people are coming in and start to dance. It's getting crowded and people
start to sweat. You see the front of the crowd and it goes from slowmotion
to a normal speed and back again. The camera moves slowly from face to face.
I thought of the chemical brothers or fatboyslim, I've searched the net but
couldn't find what i was looking for. You don't see the band or artist at
all (maybe that's why it's so difficult....)
I believe it's a musicvideo (brittish?) from a few years ago and was played
regularly on mtv (in holland).
I hope you can help me out. You're my last hope....

# 2 21 years ago

mmmm, sounds a bit boring: but try Setting Sun by Chemical Brothers.
# 3 20 years ago

> Hi there
> I'm looking for a music video and maybe you can help me out.... The problem
> is that I don't know any name of the artist(s) or song.
> It's a video set in a small club / arena where young people are dancing. I
> believe first you see an empty set with some fences placed in front. Soon
> people are coming in and start to dance. It's getting crowded and people
> start to sweat. You see the front of the crowd and it goes from slowmotion
> to a normal speed and back again. The camera moves slowly from face to face.
> I thought of the chemical brothers or fatboyslim, I've searched the net but
> couldn't find what i was looking for. You don't see the band or artist at
> all (maybe that's why it's so difficult....)
> I believe it's a musicvideo (brittish?) from a few years ago and was played
> regularly on mtv (in holland).
> I hope you can help me out. You're my last hope....
> thanx
> Pascal
# 4 19 years ago

> Hi there
> I'm looking for a music video and maybe you can help me out.... The problem
> is that I don't know any name of the artist(s) or song.
> It's a video set in a small club / arena where young people are dancing. I
> believe first you see an empty set with some fences placed in front. Soon
> people are coming in and start to dance. It's getting crowded and people
> start to sweat. You see the front of the crowd and it goes from slowmotion
> to a normal speed and back again. The camera moves slowly from face to face.
> I thought of the chemical brothers or fatboyslim, I've searched the net but
> couldn't find what i was looking for. You don't see the band or artist at
> all (maybe that's why it's so difficult....)
> I believe it's a musicvideo (brittish?) from a few years ago and was played
> regularly on mtv (in holland).
> I hope you can help me out. You're my last hope....
> thanx
> Pascal
# 5 19 years ago

> Hi there
> I'm looking for a music video and maybe you can help me out.... The problem
> is that I don't know any name of the artist(s) or song.
> It's a video set in a small club / arena where young people are dancing. I
> believe first you see an empty set with some fences placed in front. Soon
> people are coming in and start to dance. It's getting crowded and people
> start to sweat. You see the front of the crowd and it goes from slowmotion
> to a normal speed and back again. The camera moves slowly from face to face.
> I thought of the chemical brothers or fatboyslim, I've searched the net but
> couldn't find what i was looking for. You don't see the band or artist at
> all (maybe that's why it's so difficult....)
> I believe it's a musicvideo (brittish?) from a few years ago and was played
> regularly on mtv (in holland).
> I hope you can help me out. You're my last hope....
> thanx
> Pascal
# 6 19 years ago

> mmmm, sounds a bit boring: but try Setting Sun by Chemical Brothers.
>not boring sensual
# 7 19 years ago

> > mmmm, sounds a bit boring: but try Setting Sun by Chemical Brothers.
> >not boring sensual
# 8 19 years ago

> Hi there
> I'm looking for a music video and maybe you can help me out.... The problem
> is that I don't know any name of the artist(s) or song.
> It's a video set in a small club / arena where young people are dancing. I
> believe first you see an empty set with some fences placed in front. Soon
> people are coming in and start to dance. It's getting crowded and people
> start to sweat. You see the front of the crowd and it goes from slowmotion
> to a normal speed and back again. The camera moves slowly from face to face.
> I thought of the chemical brothers or fatboyslim, I've searched the net but
> couldn't find what i was looking for. You don't see the band or artist at
> all (maybe that's why it's so difficult....)
> I believe it's a musicvideo (brittish?) from a few years ago and was played
> regularly on mtv (in holland).
> I hope you can help me out. You're my last hope....
> thanx
> Pascal
(All 8 messages )

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