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Saturn Ion - Leaving High School

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# 1 21 years ago

what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
# 2 21 years ago

> what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
---The song is 'Forever Young' by Alphaville
# 3 21 years ago

> what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
It's 'Forever Young' by Alphaville. Great Song. I never get tired of it!
# 4 21 years ago

Thanks! I could not get it out of my mind after hearing the commercial days ago. Searched the web, and this is the first place that have ID'ed it.
# 5 21 years ago

> what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
I want to know too. and the one before it too

# 6 21 years ago

> : what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
> I want to know too. and the one before it too
The one before it was 'Childhood' (the title of the commmercial that is). The tune is called 'We've Been Had' By The Walkmen
# 7 21 years ago

> :> what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
>> I want to know too. and the one before it too
> The one before it was 'Childhood' (the title of the commmercial that is). The tune is called 'We've Been Had' By The Walkmen
>The other one is: 'Forever Young' Alphaville.

# 8 21 years ago


# 9 21 years ago

Lemmy Caution
I find it sorta odd that they would use a song born out of and about nuclear war tensions for a car commercial. The video for the song is pretty depressing. Thank God that part of the 80's is over.
# 10 21 years ago

Thanks for the info. I've been trying to find the title/artist for a few days.

# 11 21 years ago

If anyone knows the song on the first 'Ion' Commercial, then you have solved one of life's mystery's for me. You all seem to know your music really well, as sadly, I had never heard these songs until I saw the commercials. But, wow, Saturn has really rung up some good songs. They really 'grab' you're attention to watch- even if you are being brainwashed into buying another hip car.
Please E-mail me if you know the title- thanks so much- Just title the E-mail 'Saturn Song,' So I'll not to delete it.

# 12 21 years ago

> what is the song from the commercial 'Leaving High School' by Saturn Ion. Please respond!!!
'Forever Young' by Alphaville
# 13 21 years ago


The singer or group is Alphaville and the song is called Forever Young. Hope I put your mind at ease!

# 14 21 years ago

the song, if i am talking about the right comm. is called 'we've been had' by The Walkmen. If you have Kazaa you could download the song in minutes, if you have not already known what the title is.
about Saturns selection of music: i have just read, looking for other songs, that Saturn picked these songs to show the viewer what they were leaving behind while growing up and that this car can help them in the future by fitting their life styles.

: If anyone knows the song on the first 'Ion' Commercial, then you have solved one of life's mystery's for me. You all seem to know your music really well, as sadly, I had never heard these songs until I saw the commercials. But, wow, Saturn has really rung up some good songs. They really 'grab' you're attention to watch- even if you are being brainwashed into buying another hip car.

: Please E-mail me if you know the title- thanks so much- Just title the E-mail 'Saturn Song,' So I'll not to delete it.
: Kristen

# 15 21 years ago

there are four commercials. two of which have aired.
1: is when the car is driving through a neighborhood with children. that song is 'We've Been Had' by The Walkmen. the commerical is called 'Childhood'
2: is when the car is driving through a town with teens dancing. The commercial is called 'Prom'. This song is called 'Forever Young' by Alphaville.
The other two are unaired but will be the next to be aired is the Wedding commerical(the car drives through downtown with weddings going on all over) that song is called 'Cannon in D' i do not know the artist, the original artist was Pachabel.
hope this helps more than the last.
the last commercial is called 'College' and i do not know the song title or the artist. No information has been posted on the internet about them.
the commericals can be seen, completely, at
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