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HP commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.

i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!
# 2 18 years ago

it is the robins. i did an amazon search for it.

it's been in my brain too. what a great ad. I might have to buy this cd.
# 3 18 years ago

why would you dispute the claims of the HP website. They had to pay royalties to use the I do believe they would know the title and the artist.
# 4 18 years ago

Does anyone know an actually lyrics site that will give me the *lyrics* to the song "Out of the Picture"?? its like it isnt anywhere on the Internet! And we all know that isnt true! Someone help! Thanx!
# 5 18 years ago

Victoria Skis
I checked on I-tunes and that's the song all right. You can down load itunes for free and the song for a dollar and play it on your comp!
# 6 18 years ago

It's called "Out of the Picture" by the Robins and the album is called "Best of the Robins".
# 7 18 years ago

It's called "Out of the Picture" by the Robins and was written in 1956. It can be found on "The Best of the Robins" at

words are: You left me, you said we're through, I'm all alone, lost without you, what shall I do? Out of the picture, out of the frame and now when you see me nothing's the same. Your lips are kissing somebody new, I'm out of the picture, out of the view!

Hope that helps!
# 8 18 years ago

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!
# 9 18 years ago

Yes, that's actually the correct song. You can find "Out of the Picture" by The Robins on (it's free if you sign up for the free trial).

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!
# 10 18 years ago

That is the right song.

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!
# 11 18 years ago

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!

The song is "Picture Book" by The Young Fresh Fellows.
# 12 18 years ago

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!
# 13 18 years ago

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!

That's right. I just went to the Barnes & Noble website and checked a sample from The Best of the Robins on the GNP CRESCENDO label.
# 14 18 years ago

> hey there's also another song on the HP commercial that goes "out of the picture, out of the frame, when you see it, it's not the same" something like that, it sounds like a funny old fashioned song.
> i found the HP website and they said it was called "Out of the Picture", by: The Robins, but im not sure if thats actually it. anyone know what the song is?!

That's right. I just went to the Barnes & Noble website and checked a sample from The Best of the Robins on the GNP CRESCENDO label.
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