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Without a Trace

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi, does anyone know who does the theme song for the TV show 'Without a Trace.' I've found places that say it's Linkin Park 'In The End' but that's not what I heard when watching the 6 Feb 03 episode. So I don't know if the theme changes week to week or what.
Thanks for the help.
# 2 20 years ago

> Hi, does anyone know who does the theme song for the TV show 'Without a Trace.' I've found places that say it's Linkin Park 'In The End' but that's not what I heard when watching the 6 Feb 03 episode. So I don't know if the theme changes week to week or what.
> Thanks for the help.
It could be by Soul Asylum
# 3 20 years ago

> Hi, does anyone know who does the theme song for the TV show 'Without a Trace.' I've found places that say it's Linkin Park 'In The End' but that's not what I heard when watching the 6 Feb 03 episode. So I don't know if the theme changes week to week or what.
> Thanks for the help.

A search says its "One Of These Mornings" by Moby

One of these mornings
Won't be very long
You will look for me
I'll be gone...

One of these mornings
Won't be very long
You will look for me
I'll be gone...

One of these mornings
One of these mornings
Won't be very long
Won't be very long
You will look for me
You will look for me
I'll be gone...
I'll be gone...

I'll be gone...
I'll be gone...
I'll be gone...
I'll be gone...
I'll be gone...

You will look for me
I'll be gone...
You will look for me
I'll be gone...
You will look for me
I'll be gone...
You will look for me
I'll be gone

One of these mornings
Won't be very long
You will look for me
I'll be gone.
# 4 19 years ago

# 5 18 years ago

> Hi, does anyone know who does the theme song for the TV show 'Without a Trace.' I've found places that say it's Linkin Park 'In The End' but that's not what I heard when watching the 6 Feb 03 episode. So I don't know if the theme changes week to week or what.
> Thanks for the help.
Try tears for fears mad world that is the one I heard on the show
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