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THE NOTEBOOK movie trailer music

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# 16 18 years ago

Jane E. Olsan
> > "> what soundtrack is the music from the Notebook movie trailer form..? the part from the very beginning of the trailer - where you see the kids ridding their bikes..? it starts with a simple piano part..then goes into really pretty stuff..WHATS IT FFROM!?!? omg i have to know..haha. it's driving me crazy."
> >
> >
> >
> > i think i know what song your talking about. i havent seen the trailer since before the movie came out in theaters, like more than a year ago. But i bought sheet music for piano, called "The Notebook (Main Title)", which is the theme to the movie, and it can be heard on the dvd menu and a few times durnig the movie. im pretty sure this is the song your talking about, its a really nice song.
> .
> .
> Main Title of The NoteBook: Aaron Zigman
# 17 18 years ago

im trying to fugure out what is the song playing when the see each other and run into each other's arms in the rain i cant find that song or remember what it is please help....
# 18 18 years ago

> "> what soundtrack is the music from the Notebook movie trailer form..? the part from the very beginning of the trailer - where you see the kids ridding their bikes..? it starts with a simple piano part..then goes into really pretty stuff..WHATS IT FFROM!?!? omg i have to know..haha. it's driving me crazy."
> i think i know what song your talking about. i havent seen the trailer since before the movie came out in theaters, like more than a year ago. But i bought sheet music for piano, called "The Notebook (Main Title)", which is the theme to the movie, and it can be heard on the dvd menu and a few times durnig the movie. im pretty sure this is the song your talking about, its a really nice song.
# 19 18 years ago

I found it! It's the same as the cider house rules theme as well as pleasantville. it's on both soundtracks so you're bound to find it!
# 20 18 years ago

> > nina gordon "tonight and the rest of my life"
> >
> does anyone know what the song is called allie plays on the piano?

Prelude Op 28 #4 by Chopin is the song.
In the movie she says "I can't play Chopsticks....", but it's not Chopsticks.
So..there you go. : )
# 21 18 years ago

The beginning, the simple piano is from the film Cider House Rules. The really pretty ending is from the movie Pleasantville : )
# 22 18 years ago

> "> what soundtrack is the music from the Notebook movie trailer form..? the part from the very beginning of the trailer - where you see the kids ridding their bikes..? it starts with a simple piano part..then goes into really pretty stuff..WHATS IT FFROM!?!? omg i have to know..haha. it's driving me crazy."
> i think i know what song your talking about. i havent seen the trailer since before the movie came out in theaters, like more than a year ago. But i bought sheet music for piano, called "The Notebook (Main Title)", which is the theme to the movie, and it can be heard on the dvd menu and a few times durnig the movie. im pretty sure this is the song your talking about, its a really nice song.
# 23 17 years ago

hi there. does anyone know what the music is in the trailer of the notebook. the meody that kicks in when noah goes off to war. hope someone can help. thanks!
# 24 17 years ago

> hi there. does anyone know what the music is in the trailer of the notebook. the meody that kicks in when noah goes off to war. hope someone can help. thanks!
# 25 17 years ago

hey, i don't know what the first half of the music from the trailer is from, but the really pretty part at the end where noah goes to war is from Randy Newman's Plesantville score and is called Mural. hope this helps!
# 26 17 years ago

> hey, i don't know what the first half of the music from the trailer is from, but the really pretty part at the end where noah goes to war is from Randy Newman's Plesantville score and is called Mural. hope this helps!
# 27 17 years ago

> nina gordon "tonight and the rest of my life"
# 28 17 years ago

>do you have the sheet music for the Main Title and Overture from Notebook. This piece of music is wonderful. I would love to learn the notes, so i too can play.
# 29 17 years ago

> > "> what soundtrack is the music from the Notebook movie trailer form..? the part from the very beginning of the trailer - where you see the kids ridding their bikes..? it starts with a simple piano part..then goes into really pretty stuff..WHATS IT FFROM!?!? omg i have to know..haha. it's driving me crazy."
> >
> >
> >
> > i think i know what song your talking about. i havent seen the trailer since before the movie came out in theaters, like more than a year ago. But i bought sheet music for piano, called "The Notebook (Main Title)", which is the theme to the movie, and it can be heard on the dvd menu and a few times durnig the movie. im pretty sure this is the song your talking about, its a really nice song.
> .
> .
> Main Title of The NoteBook: Aaron Zigman

It's the theme from The Cider House Rules.

Hope that helped you....more than a year later. :P
# 30 17 years ago

> > hi there. does anyone know what the music is in the trailer of the notebook. the meody that kicks in when noah goes off to war. hope someone can help. thanks!
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