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Infinity commerical song from 2000

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# 1 21 years ago

hi there, does anyone know the artist/name of the Infinity commerical song..u knwo the commerical where the guy is speeding in his car to stop a came out like a few years ago..thanks!
# 2 21 years ago

If you're talking about the commercial for the Volkswagon where the guy is trying to get to the church in time to stop the wedding - it's J.Ralph's 'One Million Miles Away'. Here is a download site for the song - it's towards the bottom, link to download it in mp3 format.
# 3 21 years ago

Thanks a lot fishy!!! ur the best! ive been searching for that song for awhile! much appreciation out ur way dude!

: If you're talking about the commercial for the Volkswagon where the guy is trying to get to the church in time to stop the wedding - it's J.Ralph's 'One Million Miles Away'. Here is a download site for the song - it's towards the bottom, link to download it in mp3 format.

# 4 21 years ago

hey, anyone think this song sounds like the old amiga computer mod format song called tommy.mod??
check it out:
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