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Smirnoff "winter" comercials

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# 1 18 years ago

Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.

The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.

There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.

The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 2 18 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 3 18 years ago

Group is Quarashi
Song is Copycat
CD is Jinx
# 4 18 years ago

- I think the song is by a band called Quarashi but I am unsure of the song name
# 5 18 years ago

> I am pretty sure the song you are thinking of is called "Copycat" by Quarashi.
# 6 18 years ago

Unless I am thinking of a different smirnoff commercial....the song is by Quarashi and it is called Copycat. The commercial I'm thinking of has to do with a guy that is dog sledding in the beginning.
Just an extra bit of trivia.....the idea of the commercial with the dogs is taken from something that Quarashi did do...go to this website and click on Video and watch the video bio (first option.)

# 7 18 years ago

I know what one your talking about, and I really want to know the name of the track too..

I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find any trace of the name. theres nothing on the site or anywhere else..
# 8 18 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
>I must want to know what the name of the song is.
# 9 18 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 10 18 years ago

The Song is "Copycat" by Quarashi, its a crap rap song, but the sick beat goes on for most of the song.
# 11 18 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!


I think I have found the answer to you question. I believe it is the intro to a song called "copycat" the band is called Quarashi and the album is called Jinx.
# 12 18 years ago

Found it! Its called Copycat by Quarashi

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 13 18 years ago

> > Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> >
> > The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> >
> > There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> >
> > The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 14 18 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the track playing in the background of at least two of the three (that I have seen) Smirnoff commercials. In one, a guy names Uri shows us his house and ends the tour with the fridge. He opens up the large double doors and walks outside.
> The other one I know the music is in is one where Uri sled dogs to a bar and turns over his whip, commenting he doesn't drink and sled. The same track can be heard in the backgroud of this ad.
> There is a third ad where is makes small talk with a hot blond in an art gallery and ends opening his bottle of Smirnoff Ice on sound big sculpture thing. I THINK the same track is playing.
> The track is really just a heavy drum beat with a simple guitar riff but it sounds awesome. Thanks for the help!
# 15 18 years ago

It is "CopyCat" by Quarashi. Album is Jinx.
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