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Kia Ion commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

can somebody please tell me the name of the song that comes out in the kia ion commercial. The one where there are adults in a kia and there are a lot of kids in swings out in front of their house on their swings. PLEASE!!
# 2 21 years ago

It's actually a Saturn commercial, but hey cars is cars right? The song is 'We've Been Had' by The Walkmen.
# 3 21 years ago

Chairman B.
> can somebody please tell me the name of the song that comes out in the kia ion commercial. The one where there are adults in a kia and there are a lot of kids in swings out in front of their house on their swings. PLEASE!!
It's by the Walkmen. The song is called 'We've Been Had.' And, I'm sure the folks at Saturn will be glad to know you think their commercial is for their competitor's car.

# 4 21 years ago

> can somebody please tell me the name of the song that comes out in the kia ion commercial. The one where there are adults in a kia and there are a lot of kids in swings out in front of their house on their swings. PLEASE!!
# 5 21 years ago

anyone know who handles the advertising for saturn commercials,,email me please
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