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The dove Commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

There's this Dove comercail that is really cool, it gets stuck in my head all of the time. It sings "Do be Do be do " through the whole thing. I havn't been able to locate it yet.
# 2 18 years ago

I saw this commercial, im pretty sure it was was a dove commercail! but its all these girls who are inseccure about themselves & stuff & then it says not everyones perfect or something?but its got a really good message to it! i really wanna find it!
# 3 18 years ago

I saw this commercial, im pretty sure it was was a dove commercail! but its all these girls who are inseccure about themselves & stuff & then it says not everyones perfect or something?but its got a really good message to it! i really wanna find it!
# 4 18 years ago

I want to find a clip of the dove commercial "love the skin you're in" I want a picture of one of the girl's tattoos
# 5 18 years ago

> There's this Dove comercail that is really cool, it gets stuck in my head all of the time. It sings "Living in this moment " through the whole thing. I havn't been able to locate it yet.
# 6 18 years ago

> I saw this commercial, im pretty sure it was was a dove commercail! but its all these girls who are inseccure about themselves & stuff & then it says not everyones perfect or something?but its got a really good message to it! i really wanna find it!
# 7 18 years ago

> I saw this commercial, im pretty sure it was was a dove commercail! but its all these girls who are inseccure about themselves & stuff & then it says not everyones perfect or something?but its got a really good message to it! i really wanna find it!
# 8 18 years ago

> I want to find a clip of the dove commercial "love the skin you're in" I want a picture of one of the girl's tattoos
# 9 18 years ago

> I want to find a clip of the dove commercial "love the skin you're in" I want a picture of one of the girl's tattoos
# 10 18 years ago

> There's this Dove comercail that is really cool, it gets stuck in my head all of the time. It sings "Do be Do be do " through the whole thing. I havn't been able to locate it yet.( how we love our skin ) HELP! @ if yu know it!
# 11 18 years ago

> I want to find a clip of the dove commercial "love the skin you're in"
(All 11 messages )

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